A Place of Refuge

A Place of Refuge is a nonprofit organization based in Detroit, MI that commits to helping youth in Southeastern Michigan transition from foster care to adult living. A Place of Refuge creates opportunity and security for youth through housing and mentorship.

Jumi Consulting Group successfully applied for the City of Detroit’s inaugural Neighborhood Beautification Program on behalf of A Place of Refuge, securing $15,000 for the organization to clear debris, rubbish, and overgrowth in the neighborhood so volunteers can plant sunflowers. The sunflower garden will beautify the block and positively impact the lives of residents.

Client: A Place of Refuge


Press: https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/detroit-city/2022/11/02/detroit-distributes-34-neighborhood-beautification-program-grants/69613963007/


Bailey Park Neighborhood Development Corporation